
Anyone who can claim editorial rights on a work. Here is an exhaustive list of possible actors: adapter, administrator, arranger, author, author / composer, non-SACEM author, having ** commercial rights, co-publisher, composer, non-SACEM composer, non SACEM publisher, original publisher, publisher substituted , interpreter, sub-publisher. ** Added to this are actors to manage certain specific copyrights: ** Reserve Account, Public Domain, Pot pourri / sample **.
Special actors:
Actors who facilitate Royalties repayments: ** Sharing between ADs, Controlled A / C Sharing and Controlled Publisher Sharing. **
Primary key
In computing, a primary key is a unique, non-zero reference to a given data. For example, for a work, a COCV code is a primary key because any deposited work has a COCV (non-zero reference) and a COCV references one and only one work (unique reference).
Unique key
A unique key is a degraded version of a primary key: it is a unique reference to a given data. For a work, the ISWC code is a unique key and not a primary key because a work may not have an ISWC code.
Fallback key
This is a reference « fallback » (if nothing better) to identify a data. For a work, the title is a FallBack key. It is not unique: several works can have the same title.
Preferred code
The preferred code is the first code recognized by the sage at the first import of the work. The latter can then be customized to contain for example only Coad codes.
Common Works Registration - the international catalog exchange format recognized by the majority PROs for registaring catalogues. The concept behind CWR is that the original publisher of a work (or rather a catalog) builds the documentation for the whole world, makes a single CWR file, transmits this file to his collecting society and all his subscribers. publishers who, in turn, will give this file to their collecting society. Each PRO will draw from the CWR file the data concerning it
Families of rights
The families of rights complete the types of rights giving more precision on their source. These are things like: TV, Radio, Cinema, Nightclubs, Private copying, Concerts … The families of rights are to be informed in the set up of Le Sage. It will be necessary to establish the matches during the imports between the information of source of the rights in the file and the families of rights created. The families of right are not mandatory.
Unique identification number attached in the database of the International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers (CISAC) to each actor of a musical work, for the management of the respective rights and revenues.
The International Standardized Code of Musical Works (ISWC) is a unique, permanent and internationally recognized reference number for the identification of musical works. It is managed within the framework of the International Organization for Standardization, or ISO. ISWC provides a way to uniquely identify a musical work as an intangible creation. ISWC numbers are allocated to musical works by collective management organizations (PROs). See the ISWC-Net service ISWC
The lettering or chain of law shows the links between rights holders. It allows to link an author to a publisher to a sub-publisher.
Other PUblisher: other publisher
Society of Perception and Distribution of Rights or Copyright Management Company. SACEM is a PRO, as SACD or ADAMI is the generic term. See The Wikipedia Fact Sheet <> _.
Territory in Agreement: territory for which an actor with recovery jurisdiction.